Friday, February 11, 2011

Job Sharing: The Future of Corporate Downsizing

How many times have you heard the expression "job sharing" as of late? Job sharing seems to be the corporations new way of of downsizing, in essence having less people do more work and take on more responsibility at less cost to the company. I know I have seen it in action many times at my workplace. The approach is something like this...

"Hey, Mike! We noticed that you have been doing a great job in your own department, and since Sally left (quit, fired or laid off), it has opened up this great opportunity of learning and growth for you. For you!! How would you like to help out by doing all the work Sally used to do, as well as your own, for no increase in pay? It will look great on your resume, and you can learn so much... it's like having two jobs but only getting paid for one!! Are you in, are you in? It's such a great opportunity for you!!"

Actually, it's a great opportunity for your employer to decrease their labor costs by over $50,000 every time someone in sales or management quits, gets fired or gets laid off. And employers generally give bonuses to upper management for decreasing labor expenses while still running the business effectively, therefore the ones who are really benefiting are not the employee who has been persuaded to do two jobs for the price of one, but the upper management, who get a big bonus and a pat on the back for not replacing a departing employee.

The moral of this story is that as less people are forced to do more work for the same wage, corporations think their bottom line is increasing when all they are really doing is killing morale and making all their employees want to go out and look for new jobs. So next time management asks you if you want to share the responsibilities of two or more jobs for no increase in pay, just say NO!

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